nerds with vaginas

Nerds With Vaginas

If you follow one new Instagram feed this week, make it Nerds With Vaginas. They are some FUNNY people. Like, I really want these people to be my adopted younger siblings. I have no idea if they own vaginas or not, and I don’t care either way. They don’t meme as hard as the 4channers but yet do have some CHOICE posts that capture the nerd girl brain.

Check it out:

I don’t know about you, but I can totally relate to telling weird and/or obscene stories to random people.


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This definitely satisfies my Disney/Pixar Nerdiness!! If you don’t know the 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney either… well, I don’t think you are a Pixar fan!!

While I am not an introvert – I can totally relate to this one!

The group regularly finds itself reported to Facebook and Instagram by overly sensitive people which means, every so often their posts slow to a crawl. They take no crap from anyone and keep right on posting, which makes me believe this post of theirs:

Give them a follow on your favorite platform – you won’t be disappointed.

Side note  I borrowed the image on this post from their Facebook page.